Eco-friendly detergent division(Aqua nax-SCW)
SCW : Sterilization Clean Water(Water that can be sterilized and cleaned)
Electrolytic alkali water made by electrolysis of pure water 100% - Aqua nax-SCW
Used sterilization cleaning safely at home Aqua nax-SCW
Restaurant table used for sterilization and sanitation of table and kitchen Aqua nax-SCW
In the industrial field, the oil is removed as a substitute for alcohol or T. Aqua nax-SCW

Eco-friendly coolant division(Aqua nax-EMW)
EMW : Environment Mill Water
Using patented additives from Japan Nakajima Industry Aqua nax-EMW
Processing in the industrial fieldAqua nax-EMW
Emulsion used in machining As a substitute for cutting oil Aqua nax-EMW
2 times cutting power, environment-friendly coolant oil with no smell and volume Aqua nax-EMW